Who is Bella?
After Bellas Heart surgery, came the real surgery. The inner work of opening her Heart. Opening her heart up to Love and to Life again, starting with learning how to Love herself. There was nowhere to hide anymore and the only way out was in. And that was when she met her teacher, the Anahata Yogi Peter Clifford, Premananda.
Bella apprenticed to Peter for two years, diving deep into Anahata Yoga, its ancient philosophy and all the practices, discovering the path of the Heart. After her two years by the side of Peter, there was no other thing she wanted to do than to share the Magic of Anahata Yoga from her own personal, life changing experiences. There are many ways to the Heart, but all the paths are through the Heart.
She took all the tools she had gathered and created different paths working with all of the Bodies; the Physical Body - Asana, movement practices, dance, the Energy Body - Pranayama and breath-work, the Mental Body - Yoga Nidra,Yoga therapy, NLP, the Sound Body - Mantras, Heart songs, and the Bliss Body - Meditations, as there is a meditation for every situation.
Yoga meaning Union, we want to join these practices together. Bella is especially passionate about purification practices, Heart to Heart practices and integrating dance, sound and the Heart Medicine of Cacao into Anahata Yoga Practices. Bella will guide you into the depth of your Heart, where you will be able to open many doors and explore your true, Divine Potential.
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